United Parcel Service, shortly called UPS, is one of the biggest companies for package delivery services in the United States. UPS has its website with the URLĀ www.ups.com. This website allows its users to create an account, edit account information, create an online shipment, check your parcel’s status, and more.
If you wish to close your account permanently for whatever reason, we will guide you to delete your account.
What happens when you delete your UPS account?
When you delete your account, all your information, including saved addresses, contacts, shipping preferences, and payment options, will be removed. Your profile will be deleted, but your transaction records will remain with the UPS.
How to delete your UPS account?
If you choose the alternatives like DHL or FedEx, you might want to delete your UPS account. Your account will be deleted permanently. There are two ways to delete your UPS account:
- Delete your account through email.
- Delete your account through the website.
How to delete your UPS account through email?
You can delete your UPS account by sending an email to the respective company and requesting them to remove your account from the database. Follow these steps to close your UPS account by email:
1. Open your registered account, and click on Compose.
2. Compose an email to privacy@ups.com.
3. On the subject, type “REQUEST TO DELETE MY ACCOUNT.”
4. Now, write an email to the company requesting them to remove your UPS account from their database and click on “Send.”
How to delete your UPS account through their website?
Follow these steps to close your UPS account through their website:
1. Sign in to your account on ups.com.
2. Click on your profile at the top-right corner.
3. From the dropdown menu, select “My Information.”
4. Click on “Delete My Profile” on the right side.
5. A popup window will appear and select “Yes.”
6. Click on “Yes, Cancel Registration” to confirm.