How to Delete your TicketMaster account

Ticketmaster account
Ticketmaster account

Are you tired of using your Ticketmaster account? If yes, here is the right place to learn how you can quickly delete your account. 

Ticketmaster is a popular e-commerce website that provides services such as buying and selling tickets for entertainment and sports events. It allows its users to create an account, edit account information, upload images, browse information about sports happening near you, purchase tickets, and many more.

How to delete your Ticketmaster account?

If you want to try alternatives for Ticketmaster like StubHub, SeatGeek, or others, you can also delete your Ticketmaster account. There are two ways to delete your Ticketmaster account:

  • Delete your account through email.
  • Delete your account through the website.

How to delete your Ticketmaster account through email?

You can delete your Ticketmaster account by sending an email to the respective company and requesting them to remove your account from the database. Follow these steps to delete your Ticketmaster account by email.

1. Open your registered account, and click on Compose.

2. Compose an email to

3. On the subject, type “REQUEST TO DELETE MY ACCOUNT.”

4. Now, write an email to the company requesting them to remove your Ticketmaster account from their database and click on “Send.”

How to delete your Ticketmaster account through the website?

Follow these steps to delete your account:

1. Go to the direct link of the Ticketmaster Account Closure page. Make sure you are log in to the website.

2. Fill up the request submission form and click Submit.

  • Click Yes in “Do you have an account in Ticketmaster?”
  • In the Select request type, choose Delete My Information.
  • Enter your full name and linked email address.


3. You will receive a confirmation email in your account, open it, and click on Confirm Email.

Ticketmaster will review your account removal request, and they will update you for further procedures. We hope you were successful in deleting your Ticketmaster account.


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